In Progress


Cool people, nice Work
Jacob, Dr. Latex, Escobar


The BASTRAD PROJECT is doing very well. Every day we meet a lot of exiting people, Christian is making millions of Pictures, Andre is into drawing like hell. My spanish is getting better every day...

Jacob came with his friend Pete from Danmark, to MXC 6 years ago and now owns a bike messenger company. Asking them if it´s dangerous he just showed us a picture of a fellow they lost this year. "Strange image, isn´t it? We took it just 2 days before he died. His arms look like angel wings, dont they?" said Jacob. Both owners still ride 4-6 hours a day beside the office-work. All in all 10 messengers work for them. Jacob want´s his first million when he gets 30. But its realy hard!

At 7 pm we met Dr. Latex in his home. He is the guy who designs strange bags (made of latex), small figures and all kind of crazy fanzies. He worked with the guys from FAKIR on a project in Barcelona where they where asked to show their perception of the city. Thats how he came to place the wrestling figures on a gaudi like animal. We had real great fun on the shoting at his place.

Dr Latex took us to Escobar, he runs a design agency far south of MXC. During daytime it would take you more then an hour to get there. At 1 in the morning its a fast ride! Escobar is a Wrestling fan, he has a wonderfull collection of masks, posters, trash and just every thing related to wrestling.










Comments (4)


hallo jungs

hallo wie geht es euch?

ich persönlich finde das bild nummer 1 cool,
und ihr weleches bild fidet irh cool ?
100.000.000 Küsse für Lars
10 Küsse für André
10 Küsse für Kristian#

Posted by: tom at 16.03.2005 19:01

Re: Cool people, nice Work

hallo jungs, schwitzt ihr schön im warmen mexico? heute steht in unserer zeitung ein bericht über eine neue textilfaser (Polylactid (PLA)), die aus Mais hergestellt wird und die die eigenschaft hat sofort zu trocknen (ideal für heißes klima). bisher sind textilien aus polylactiden (funktionskleidung) nur in japan und usa erhältlich. schaut euch dort mal danach um und bringt ein solches heißes textilstück, z.b. ein t-shirt oder hemd mit. herstellende firma heißt salewa. kleidungsstücke sollen super angenehm zu tragen sein.

eure website ist unterhaltsam, macht weiter so. gruß an alle, dirkr

Posted by: Dirk at 16.03.2005 19:11

Re: Cool people, nice Work

hallo lars, polylactid-wäsche trocknet nach dem waschen rasend schnell, mehr unter

Posted by: Dirk at 16.03.2005 21:45

Re: Cool people, nice Work

In MXC war es sehr angenehm. Immer windig, kein Smog.
In LA ist es auch noch recht frisch.
Aber gut, heiss wird es bestimmt noch!
Danke fuer den Tipp.

Posted by: Lars at 17.03.2005 07:15

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