In Progress


space intervention Project


This morning we got a mail from someone in Guadalajara/Mexico. Memo is doing a public space intervention Project. For me it dosen´t look extrodinary new. But I like this idea of people form all over the world feeling that bastarding is an urban, modern phenomena. Read here more about the project...

Hello people of Bastard, I’ve seen all contents of -Bastard- and they look really interesting to me, as well as the way like the page developing and the design of it (that into the designer’s perspective).
Actually I write us because I’m doing a public space intervention Project (street art) here, in Mexico, the Project was generated last june in Buenos Aires and now i have develope the siteof it, the idea o me contacting u is to see how possibleis to find a space in ur site to describe my project,(might b an article?) now ill send u info about it, if u have any question please dont hesitate and ask...Tnx very much

Gaystencil is an urban art project (in Gdl mx) in which we can all participate. gaystencil is about taking the gay community phrases, icons and point of views to the streets with a twink of humor as an artistic and political project with no activist intentions.
You will soon start recognizing the statements and very likely find a ¨beso negro¨ a ¨wild wilde¨ or a ¨drama queen¨ in any bench, sidewalk or telephone booth. Join the project and help us leave stencils in every city, visit our website gaystencil

Comments (5)


Re: Gaystencil

i've seen your work, i find very interesting the way how you handle it in the context and surroundings as it is your city and country. what sort of acceptance it might have, i see there's a topic of investigation you should have in mind.
would be nice to read, and also to see more pics in your site. congratulations and move on!

Posted by: dalia at 07.12.2005 17:31

Re: Gaystencil

I think this is a fantastic Idea!
I think it's about time someone did this in Mexico.

Posted by: beto at 07.12.2005 17:53

Re: Gaystencil

gaystencil provides an opportunity for queer folks like me in Los Angeles to effectively paint their queer and campy msg. without making a mess. It's slick and cool. It's simple to create their stencil and fast to deliever the mssg on any surface. Pass it on!

Posted by: Enrique at 08.12.2005 08:33

Re: Gaystencil

gaystencil is a great concept fot those of us who want to make a statement without "protesting"
i love the fact that everyone can take part, artists and non-artists. so what is everyone waiting on? pass on your gaystencil!

Posted by: alex at 09.12.2005 10:40

Re: Gaystencil

Bien chido... me gustan los estenciles, me gusta memo, me gusta la diversidad

Posted by: Pacheli at 09.12.2005 20:56

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